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Immigration Recommendation Letter: Expert Tips + Sample

In this blog article, we explain the purpose of an immigration recommendation letter and offer guidance on writing an effective one.
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What is an immigration recommendation letter?

An immigration recommendation letter is written to support an individual’s immigration application, often to highlight their character, achievements, and overall suitability for living or working in a new country. This letter is usually written by someone who knows the applicant well, such as a friend, employer, teacher, or community leader, and can vouch for their positive qualities.

Purpose of an immigration recommendation letter

The purpose of this letter is to provide a personal perspective on the applicant’s contributions, reliability, and how they might positively impact the community or workplace if granted immigration status. It helps immigration authorities get a fuller picture of the person beyond just their legal or financial information.

For example, if you’re an employer writing for a work visa, you could talk about the person’s skills, dedication, and how much they contribute to your team. If you’re a friend or family member, you might focus on their good character, their connection to the community, and how much they mean to the people around them.

Differences between immigration recommendation letter vs letter of support

An immigration recommendation letter and an immigration letter of support are similar in that they both serve to back someone’s immigration application, but they differ slightly in focus and who typically writes them.

An immigration recommendation letter is often more formal and is usually written by someone in a position of authority or with a professional relationship to the applicant, such as an employer, teacher, or mentor. 

The main focus is on the applicant’s professional qualifications, achievements, and how their presence would benefit the country they’re applying to live or work in. 

An immigration letter of support is generally more personal and is often written by friends, family members, or community members who can speak to the applicant’s character, relationships, and integration into the community. 

The letter of support focuses more on the applicant’s personal qualities, moral character, and the importance of their presence for family or community reasons. It’s more about showing the emotional and social side of why the applicant should be allowed to stay.

How to effectively write a immigration recommendation letter

When writing an immigration recommendation letter, it’s important to include key details that will make the letter compelling and effective. Here’s what you should include:


Start by explaining who you are, how you know the applicant, and the nature of your relationship.

  • Relationship: Clearly state how you know the applicant (e.g., “I am their employer”).
  • Your Credentials: Briefly mention your own background or position to establish your credibility. This could include your job title, years of experience, or any relevant qualifications.
  • Citizenship Status: Include your citizenship or residency status.
Below is a sample introduction for an immigration recommendation letter:

My name is Sarah Johnson, and I am writing to recommend John Doe for his immigration application. I am the Director of Marketing at XYZ Corporation, where I have had the pleasure of supervising John for the past three years. As a U.S. citizen and long-time member of our community, I have seen firsthand the positive contributions John has made both in our workplace and in his volunteer efforts.

Statement of Support

This is the main part of your immigration recommendation letter. You’ll need to clearly express your support for the applicant and outline why they deserve the immigration benefit. Focus on their character, work ethic, and contributions to the community.

  • Support: Start with a strong statement of support (e.g., “I wholeheartedly support [Applicant’s Name]’s application for a green card.”).
  • Reason for Support: Explain the various reasons why you believe the applicant deserves the benefit, speaking towards their qualifications, achievements, positive qualities, and moral character.
Below is a sample statement of support for an immigration recommendation letter:

I am writing to express my unequivocal support for John Doe’s application for permanent residency. John is an outstanding individual who has consistently demonstrated integrity, dedication, and a strong work ethic in all aspects of his life. In our company, he has been a driving force behind several successful marketing campaigns, showing not only his professional skills but also his ability to work collaboratively and lead by example. Beyond his professional achievements, John is deeply committed to his community, volunteering regularly at the local food bank and organizing events to support those in need.

Evidence and Examples

Provide concrete examples that illustrate the applicant’s qualities and contributions. These examples should highlight why the applicant is a valuable member of their community or workplace.

  • Examples: Share specific examples or anecdotes that demonstrate the applicant’s character.
  • Supporting Documents: If possible, include any documents or evidence that support your claims.
Below is evidence for a sample immigration recommendation letter:

One instance that stands out was last year when John spearheaded a charity initiative at our company that raised over $10,000 for local schools. He not only organized the entire event but also motivated others to get involved, leading by example. His efforts didn’t stop there; John personally volunteered over 50 hours during the event, ensuring everything ran smoothly and that the funds were distributed effectively. This is just one example of John’s commitment to making a difference in his community. Additionally, I have attached copies of letters from community leaders who have worked with John, further attesting to his character and the positive impact he has had on those around him.


Wrap up the immigration recommendation letter by summarizing the main points of your recommendation and reiterate your support for the applicant. You can also offer to provide additional information if needed.

  • Summary: Give a brief summary of the key points you made and include a final statement of support.
  • Offer Further Assistance: Close by offering to provide any additional information or clarification if needed, as well as your contact information.
Below is a sample conclusion for an immigration recommendation letter:

In summary, John Doe is an exceptional individual whose professional accomplishments and personal integrity make him an ideal candidate for permanent residency. I have no doubt that he will continue to contribute positively to our community and country if given this opportunity. I strongly urge you to consider his application favorably. Should you require any further information or wish to discuss my recommendation in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address]. I am more than happy to assist in any way I can.

Finalize and Sign

Before sending off your immigration recommendation letter, make sure to proofread and ensure it’s professional.

  • Letterhead: Use a professional letterhead.
  • Signature: Sign and date the letter to authenticate it. This simple step adds a personal touch and confirms your commitment to the support you’re offering.

Sample letter of recommendation for immigration

Check out the sample immigration recommendation letter PDF below for a detailed example that can guide you in writing your own letter. This example walks you through each step, from introducing yourself and outlining your support to offering concrete examples and concluding the letter with impact.

Tips for writing an immigration recommendation letter

Letter of recommendation of immigration for a family member

When writing a letter of recommendation for a family member’s immigration application, focus on highlighting your personal relationship and the positive attributes of the family member. Share specific examples of their character, contributions, and how they’ve positively impacted your life or the community. This letter should emphasize the genuine nature of your relationship and their suitability for the immigration status they’re applying for.

Letter of recommendation of immigration for a friend or relative

For a friend or relative, your letter should showcase their character, achievements, and contributions in a personal and supportive way. Describe your relationship with them, provide specific examples of their strengths and accomplishments, and explain why they are deserving of the immigration benefit they are seeking. Your letter should offer a heartfelt endorsement that underscores their value and potential.

Letter of recommendation of immigration for a worker

When writing a letter of recommendation for a worker’s immigration application, highlight their professional skills, accomplishments, and contributions to the workplace. Detail specific examples of their achievements and impact on the company or industry. Your letter should convey why they are an asset to their field and why granting them the immigration benefit would be beneficial to the employer and the broader community.

Frequently asked questions

Who should write the immigration recommendation letter?

The letter of recommendation should be written by someone who knows you well and can speak to your skills, achievements, and character. This could be a boss, colleague, professor, or even a community leader, depending on what the letter is for. The key is that the writer should have a clear understanding of your qualifications and how they relate to the immigration process.

How long should an immigration recommendation letter be?

A good letter of recommendation for immigration typically ranges from 1 to 2 pages. It should be long enough to cover your key strengths and experiences but concise enough to stay focused and engaging. Aim for a length that provides a thorough yet straightforward endorsement without unnecessary details.

Can an immigration recommendation letter be used for multiple immigration applications?

Yes, a letter of recommendation can be used for multiple applications if it’s relevant to each case. However, it’s often a good idea to tailor the letter to address the specific criteria or focus of each application to make it as impactful as possible.

How recent does the immigration recommendation letter need to be?

The letter should be recent enough to accurately reflect your current status and qualifications. Ideally, it should be dated within the last 6 to 12 months to ensure it provides a current and relevant endorsement.

How should the immigration recommendation letter be submitted?

The method of submission depends on the requirements of your immigration application. Generally, you’ll need to include the letter with your application materials, whether electronically or as a physical document. Check the specific instructions for your application to ensure you’re submitting it in the correct format.

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