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Immigration Letter of Support for a Family Member: Expert Tips + Sample

In this blog, we cover the purpose of an immigration letter of support and provide tips for writing one for a family member.

What is an immigration letter of support?

An immigration letter of support, also known as a character reference letter, is a document written to help someone who is applying for an immigration benefit, such as a visa, green card, or citizenship. This letter is typically written by a family member, friend, or colleague who knows the applicant well and can vouch for their character, behavior, and suitability for the immigration request.

Understanding the Purpose of an Immigration Letter of Support

The purpose of an immigration letter of support is to offer a personal perspective on the applicant’s life, shedding light on their character, family connections, and contributions to the community. This letter goes beyond the official paperwork, providing a human touch that can be crucial in the immigration process.

If you’re writing an immigration letter of support for a family member, it’s your opportunity to speak from the heart and share why this person is so important to you. Whether they are applying for a visa, trying to obtain a green card, or even facing the threat of deportation, your words can help paint a more complete picture of who they are. By sharing personal stories, examples of their kindness, hard work, or involvement in the community, you can help the immigration authorities see the person behind the application.

Don’t underestimate the impact of your letter. Immigration officers are tasked with making decisions that can change lives, and they are looking for reasons to trust that the applicant deserves the opportunity they’re seeking. Your letter can help tip the scales in your family member’s favor by providing a deeper, more personal understanding of their situation and the positive role they play in your life and the lives of others.

How to write an immigration letter of support for a family member

Woman's hand completing form

Writing an immigration letter of support for a family member is a meaningful way to help them with their application. Here’s a simple guide to help you through the process:


Start by introducing yourself. This is your chance to explain who you are and your relationship to the applicant. Be sure to include some key details about yourself:

  • Relationship: Clearly state how you know the applicant (e.g., “I am their brother,” “I am their cousin”).
  • Personal Background: Mention your own citizenship status, occupation, and any other relevant details that establish your credibility (e.g., “As a U.S. citizen and a local business owner, I have known [Applicant’s Name] for over 10 years.”).
Below is a sample introduction for an immigration letter of support for a family member:

My name is John Smith, and I am writing to express my strong support for my sister, Emily Smith, in her immigration application. Emily and I have shared a close bond throughout our lives, and I have always admired her resilience and commitment to our family.As a U.S. citizen and a small business owner in our local community, I’ve had the privilege of watching Emily contribute positively to our family and those around her. Her dedication to both her loved ones and her community speaks volumes about her character, and I wholeheartedly believe she is deserving of the immigration benefit she is seeking.

Statement of Support

This is the main part of your immigration letter of support for your family member. You’ll want to clearly express your support for your family member and explain why they deserve the immigration benefit. Make sure to touch on a few key areas:

  • Support: Start with a strong statement of support (e.g., “I wholeheartedly support [Applicant’s Name]’s application for a green card.”).
  • Reason for Support: Explain why you believe they should be granted this opportunity. Focus on their moral character, the strength of your family ties, and any contributions they make to the community.
Below is a sample statement of support for an immigration letter of support for a family member:

I fully support Emily Smith’s application for a green card and truly believe she deserves this opportunity. Emily has always shown incredible integrity and compassion in everything she does. She’s been a rock for our family, taking on the responsibility of caring for our elderly parents and being there for her nieces and nephews whenever they need her. Her unwavering dedication and love make her an essential part of our lives.But Emily’s contributions don’t stop with our family. She’s also deeply involved in our community, where she volunteers at the local food bank and organizes charity events to help those in need. Her genuine care for others and her drive to make a positive impact are qualities that stand out. I’m confident that granting Emily this green card would not only benefit her but also enrich our community, which has already felt the positive effects of her generosity and dedication.

Evidence and Examples

To make the immigration letter of support more compelling, provide concrete examples that highlight your family member’s positive traits and contributions:

  • Examples: Share specific stories or examples that demonstrate their good character, work ethic, or role in the family or community (e.g., “Last year, [Applicant’s Name] organized a charity drive that helped raise funds for our local food bank.”).
  • Supporting Documents: If possible, mention any documents or evidence that support your claims (e.g., community service records, letters from other community members). Including these can add weight to your letter, though it’s optional.
Below is evidence for a sample immigration letter of support for a family member:

To illustrate Emily Smith’s positive traits and contributions, I’d like to share a few specific examples that highlight her exceptional character and dedication.Last year, Emily organized a charity drive for our local food bank, which successfully raised over $5,000 in donations. Her initiative didn’t stop there; she also coordinated with local businesses to secure additional resources and volunteered countless hours to ensure the event ran smoothly. This charity drive not only provided essential support to families in need but also demonstrated Emily’s commitment to improving our community.Additionally, Emily has been a regular volunteer at the local shelter for the past three years. Her role involves preparing and distributing meals to those experiencing homelessness, and she often goes above and beyond, taking extra time to offer a kind word or lend an ear to those she serves. Her dedication to this cause is evident in the numerous thank-you notes and testimonials we’ve received from those she’s helped.For further evidence of her community involvement, I’ve attached copies of her volunteer records and letters of appreciation from the food bank and shelter. These documents provide additional context and confirm the significant impact Emily has had on our community.


Wrap up the immigration letter of support with a brief summary of why you believe your family member deserves the immigration benefit:

  • Summary: Reinforce the main points you’ve made (e.g., “In summary, [Applicant’s Name] has demonstrated unwavering dedication to our family and community.”).
  • Offer Further Assistance: Close by offering to provide any additional information or clarification if needed (e.g., “Please feel free to contact me if you need any further details or verification.”).
Below is a sample conclusion for an immigration letter of support for a family member:

In summary, Emily Smith has consistently shown unwavering dedication both to our family and to our community. Her selfless contributions, whether through caring for our elderly parents, volunteering at local charities, or organizing community fundraisers, highlight her strong character and commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others.I am confident that granting Emily this green card would not only benefit her personally but also bring continued positive impact to the community she deeply cares about. If you require any further details or additional information to support her application, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am more than willing to provide any clarification or documentation needed to assist in your decision-making process.

Finalize and Sign

Before sending off your letter, make sure it’s polished and professional:

  • Letterhead: If you have an official letterhead, use it to give the immigration letter of support a more formal appearance.
  • Signature: Sign and date the letter to authenticate it. This simple step adds a personal touch and confirms your commitment to the support you’re offering.

Sample immigration letter of support for a family member

Feel free to download the sample immigration letter of support PDF below to see a practical example and get a clearer idea of how to frame your own letter. This sample includes sections on how to introduce yourself, express your support, provide evidence and examples, and wrap up your letter effectively.

Tips for writing an effective letter of support 

Indian male executive giving a consultation

Be Honest and Authentic

When writing an immigration letter of support for a family member, honesty is crucial. Immigration officials rely on your letter to gain a personal perspective on the applicant, so it’s important to be truthful about your relationship and the applicant’s qualities. Authenticity will help convey genuine support and build trust with the reader, making your letter more impactful.

Focus on Specifics

Vague statements don’t make as strong an impression as detailed examples. Use specific stories and instances that highlight the applicant’s positive traits and contributions. For instance, instead of simply stating that the applicant is hardworking, share a concrete example of a project they completed or a challenge they overcame. Specifics make your letter more compelling and credible.

Maintain a Professional Tone

While your letter should be personal, it’s essential to keep the tone formal and respectful. Avoid casual language or overly emotional appeals. A professional tone helps ensure that your letter is taken seriously and maintains the focus on the applicant’s qualifications and character.

Keep it Concise

Stick to the point and avoid including irrelevant information. A clear, concise letter will be more effective and easier for the reader to digest. Highlight the most important aspects of the applicant’s character and contributions without going off on tangents. This approach keeps the letter focused and powerful.

Proofread Thoroughly

Before submitting your letter, take the time to carefully proofread it. Errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation can undermine the credibility of your letter and distract from its content. A well-edited letter reflects professionalism and shows that you’ve put thought and effort into supporting the applicant.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should be the length of the immigration letter of support?

Keep your letter concise and to the point—ideally, one to two pages. Focus on highlighting the most relevant details about the applicant’s character and contributions without overwhelming the reader with too much information.

Can I submit multiple letters of support?

Yes, you can submit multiple letters of support if you have several people who can vouch for the applicant. Just ensure each immigration letter of support for a family member offers unique perspectives or additional details to strengthen the overall application.

Who should sign the letter of immigration support?

The letter should be signed by the person writing it, who could be a family member, friend, or colleague. Make sure the signatory is someone who knows the applicant well and can provide meaningful insights into their character.

Does the letter of immigration support need to be notarized?

Typically, the letter of support does not need to be notarized. However, check the specific requirements of the immigration application to ensure you meet all necessary guidelines. Most often, a signed letter is sufficient.

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